The Philander Chase Conservancy, Kenyon College’s land trust, is pleased to announce that Evan Stern
has been selected as its new Project Coordinator. Stern’s appointment fills the role held previously by
the Conservancy’s current director, Amy Henricksen.
Over the past twenty-five years the Philander Chase Conservancy has worked to conserve open space
and important natural habitats within a five-mile radius of Kenyon College. The Conservancy works with
farmers, landowners, environmental groups, and public agencies to ensure the rural character of the
surrounding area is maintained.
As Project Coordinator, Stern will assist with some of the essential functions of the Conservancy. His
tasks will include annual monitoring visits to protected properties, helping with the procurement of new
conservation and agricultural easements, overseeing and managing the Conservancy’s student interns,
and leading the land trust’s re-accreditation with the Land Trust Accreditation Commission.
Stern comes to the Conservancy from Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (RSWCD) in
Mansfield, Ohio. During his three-and-a-half-year tenure with RSWCD, Stern administered a State-driven
agriculture conservation incentive program called H2Ohio. He also assisted the local U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) in implementing agriculture
conservation projects. Stern spent the majority of his time working closely with farmers and assisting
them through these programs.
“I have discovered what I enjoy most about conservation work, especially locally led conservation”,
Stern said. “Coming alongside people to realize their conservation goals – to ‘help people help the land’,
to steal the motto of the USDA-NRCS – gets me out of bed every morning. I am very honored and
excited to have the chance to do that here at the Philander Chase Conservancy.”
Stern obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Biology from Houghton College (now University) and
interned with various conservation organizations including the National Park Service and The Wilds. He
loves to travel, ride his bike, and is an avid birder. He lives with his family in Mt. Vernon.
For more information about the Philander Chase Conservancy, please visit