Mount Vernon – The Mount Gilead Post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol, in
conjunction with the Mount Vernon Police Department, Knox County Sheriff’s Office,
and the Ohio Department of Transportation, conducted an OVI checkpoint on Friday,
August 16, 2024. The location was on State Route 13/South Main Street, from 8:03
P.M. to 9:15 P.M.
The OVI checkpoint funding came from federal grants to deter and intercept impaired
drivers and raise public awareness of the continued problem of impaired driving on
our streets and highways. In addition, the local, county, and state law enforcement
agencies also deployed saturation patrols to combat alcohol and drug-related fatal and
severe injury crashes in the surrounding areas.
Troopers, officers, and deputies checked 258 vehicles during the checkpoint.
Additionally, no vehicles were diverted during the checkpoint.
“The accomplishments of the checkpoints are a direct reflection of the level of
commitment and cooperation between our agencies to keep the roadways of Knox
County safe,” said Lieutenant Holloway, Mount Gilead Post Commander. “If you are
going to drink, designate a driver or make other transportation arrangements to avoid
a senseless tragedy. The life you save could be yours, or someone else’s loved one.”