Samantha Bartram has been selected as the new Green Burial Coordinator at Kokosing Nature Preserve,
Kenyon College’s conservation burial ground located on Quarry Chapel Road in Gambier. Bartram’s
appointment follows the promotion of the Preserve’s founding steward, Amy Henricksen, to Director of
the Philander Chase Conservancy, a land trust dedicated to preserving the rural character of the
College’s surrounding environs and the organization responsible for the creation and oversight of
Kokosing Nature Preserve.
Kokosing Nature Preserve, a project of the Philander Chase Conservancy and dedicated as a cemetery in
October 2015, is Central Ohio’s first and only conservation burial ground. There, amid rolling prairies
planted with native wildflowers, remains are interred using biodegradable containers and without the
use of harsh chemicals. Green burial is increasingly popular among people seeking more
environmentally conscious end-of-life options.
“Nature has long been my refuge—being outside among the flowers, trees, and birds has helped me get
through the most difficult times in my life,” said Bartram. “I am thrilled and honored to have the
opportunity at Kokosing Nature Preserve to share that healing experience with others, and to help guide
people through the green burial process.”
As Green Burial Coordinator, Bartram will be responsible for all aspects of the operation and
maintenance of the Nature Preserve, including client relations, interment services, land stewardship,
volunteer management, and community education and outreach.
Bartram earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Wittenberg University and worked for more than a
decade in the journalism and publishing industry as a writer and editor. She obtained her professional
yoga instructor certification in 2017 and has since been teaching regularly.
For more information about Kokosing Nature Preserve and green burial, you can visit the preserve’s
website at or contact Bartram by email
( or phone (740-427-5040).
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn @kokosingnaturepreserve